Please see my interactive resume: and skills:

Thu Feb 15 10:01:10 PST 2024

  Web Dev / Full Stack LAMP, MERN, MEVN

  Please see my interactive resume - skills at and
  My Vue/GeoSON/Mapping article/code: How To Map Cities With Vue, GeoJSON, And Google: Box Set

  Another Github sample project:
  And some background about on it:
  ThereThenThat: Mapping Web Addresses to Location, Time, and Tags

  Lots of LAMP + JS/ES6 Full Stack

  Client Side:
  * ES6, Vue.js, React, Redux, MobX
  * Google Analytics, Google Maps, Google Places, Polygons and Data
  * GeoJSON
  * Twitter OAuth / API
  * jQuery/jQuery UI + plugins such as Coverflow, Fancybox, Highcharts, jQuery Tokeninput, TableSorter, FullCalendar, mousewheel, etc.
  * Check out my resume for use of Ajax, HTML5, and CSS3
  * adept with Chrome/Firefox Dev Tools, npm, webpack, Codekit, JSON
  * some WebGL via the three.js library
  * some webpack, parcel, npm, etc

  Server Side:
  * LAMP, and Node.js + Express + Mongoose + MongoDB
  * Many years with Unix/Linux/Mac - How many? BSD 4.1 Many.
  * some Python
  * PHP is a main language - some familiary with CakePHP
  * FaceBook OpenGraph (from PHP)
  * Adept with MySQL, Apache configuration, etc - Prefer MAMP
  * Some AWS / Some Docker

  Vue/Node img/audio/vid drag/drop upload:

  [California native - currently in Indiana - up for Remote / Relocation]