Category Archives: tech

One Link, Many Paths, Clicking Choice! (MultiLink, Part 2)

MultiLink, the real demo, is alive! Go see the MultiLink Demo … This is my Part 2 post about MultiLink.  You can get some of the basic idea in Part 1. To Recap… The basic idea is to create a … Continue reading

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One Link, Many Paths, Clicking Choice! (MultiLink, Part 1)

Part 2, and Part 3 are now up! A call to arms, of sorts… Clickers Divide!  Be free of the tyranny of only having one choice of where to go! For many years, I’ve wanted an easy means to provide … Continue reading

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Post Desktop? Sure. Post-PC? Not So Fast…

I’ve noticed a couple of articles by Sarah Perez over in TechCrunch about how we’re crossing into a Post-PC era: Here’s What “Post-PC” Looks Like: Over Half Of Info Workers Use 3 Or More Devices When Will The Post-PC Era Arrive? … Continue reading

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